Health and Care Management (B.A.)

Please note: This program is no longer offered for beginners

The program in Health and Care Management prepares graduates for management and expert positions in nursing and health care by instruction that is both practice-oriented and academic and by supporting practice-oriented research and development tasks to enable well-founded and methodical professionalism in later positions. Requirement for enrolment is a minimum of a three-year vocational training in the health sector.


Objectives and career prospects

Graduates will be able to act independently in their later leading positions and functions in the health care sector, e.g.,

  • Patient care
  • Care for children
  • Care for the elderly
  • Curative education, rehabilitation
  • Health promotion


Curriculum includes

  • Economics
  • Foundations of health and nursing science
  • Ethics and anthropology
  • Advanced study of professional subjects

For questions please contact the Head of the Programm

Studiengangsleitung Gesundheits- und Pflegemanagement, Vorsitzende Prüfungsausschuss
0911 27253-826
V 3.43 - 3. OG